Weight Control
The context of your weight control is reviewed including weight history and previous weight loss attempts. Strengths and barriers to weight loss are identified, including psychological aspects of eating. Healthy Eating Your diet is reviewed, checking the adequacy of your eating against core food groups. The importance of adequate variety and having orange and green fruit and vegetables is included. Relationships between diet and health are discussed. Diabetes An assessment of your current diet in the context of the medical treatment is undertaken, to provide you with dietary education and support with self management. Heart Disease Hypercholesterolaemia - a dietary assessment is provided along with education and advice regarding change. A review is undertaken of your blood pressure, salt intake and weight control. Mental Health For clients an anti-psychotics - Medications are reviewed to understand weight control, assess diet and advise on a suitable diet for health and weight management. This is undertaken in collaboration with the treating team. For eating disorder clients including Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia - A review of your diet is undertaken in the context of cognitions and advice is provided to support behaviour change. This is undertaken in collaboration with the treating team. Vegetarian Eating Comprehensive advice regarding diet planning for vegetarians and discussion of health benefits. Vitamin B12 and Folate Status of the Elderly Vitamin B12 status can deteriorate in elderly people and can affect cognition in early stages of deficiency. Dr Winsome actively researches vitamin B12 and homocysteine management. Treatment is provided in collaboration with your GP. Nutritional Support Clients may require specific support with wasting diseases such as cancer to reduce weight loss. Liver disease Clients with liver disease require nutritional assessment for specific dietary needs which may include nutritional support, salt restriction, management of protein intake and fat soluble vitamin problems. |
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